Giving Constructive Feedback


Informal feedback is one of the most powerful drivers of performance. If done well, it supports others to grow. If it is delivered poorly, it can damage self-esteem and further deteriorate someone’s performance. This program provides guidelines on conducting constructive feedback conversations to progress performance.

Managing Different Working Styles


This FREE lunch and learn workshop for leaders explores the use of the DiSC working style model and how it can help leaders and their teams better engage each other to achieve outcomes.

Mastering Difficult Conversations


Are you avoiding tough conversations because you are worried about the outcome? Or maybe you are frustrated by repetitive unproductive discussions that seem to go nowhere. This workshop helps you to identify when things become difficult and apply strategies that help you and others manage emotions and keep conversations psychologically safe and constructive.

Giving Constructive Feedback


Informal feedback is one of the most powerful drivers of performance. If done well, it supports others to grow. If it is delivered poorly, it can damage self-esteem and further deteriorate someone’s performance. This program provides guidelines on conducting constructive feedback conversations to progress performance.

Coaching for Performance Foundation Skills


Are you struggling with painful conversations, drowning in your to do list and feeling stuck making progress? Then this program is for you – you’ll learn the skills needed to have effective coaching conversations so you can guide, inspire, and encourage team members to meet their full potential.

Delegating Effectively Training Program


Are you frustrated with the outcomes following delegation to others? Or, are reluctant to delegate in the first place? In this program you will explore when and how to delegate to get your desired outcomes.