It’s OK not to be OK

September 30, 2024

In October 2023, Nikki, one of our Senior HR Consultants and I, started talking about her potential relocation to Queensland. In January it became a reality. Nikki is, bravely and kindly, sharing her journey as we know how important this can be. It is OK to Not be OK, but please reach out for the help you need.  


Over the last 9 months I feel that when I was asked the question “Are you ok?” I’ve avoided it or shouted next question please! 


It’s been a crazy year for my family. We’ve had a few revelations, moved to a new state, and whilst we were trying to find our ‘ever home’ (as my 3-year-old calls it), we’ve had to move 3 times. 

The move has been for positive reasons, but it comes with challenges. Building friendships, getting used to new areas, finding a support network and finding a new home, just to name a few. 


I thrive on routine, especially when things feel out of control. I need intense exercise to feel well balanced. And the usual things like sleep and eating well. All of this has been difficult with so much change happening in our lives. I’d find I’d feel settled and as I started to find my groove and my new routine, we need to move again, and everything was up in the air.  

Three weeks ago, we moved for the last time, and I’m coming out of survival mode and heading back to basics. We are starting to make a new routine for the family and re-introduce our systems. These will help bring back some order, control and predictability in our lives. I am a very visual person, so this means wipeable planners in a place I can see them. 


My next step is to make a plan for myself and make commitments to myself to sign back up for my reformer classes, start roller skating classes and focus back on my emotional and physical wellbeing. I share this with my husband to help me with staying on track and keep me accountable. With young children, I need his help to make sure it doesn’t slide down the priority list.  As someone with ADHD, a mum of 2 small children and very little spare time at the moment, I need to nominate a coach in my life to help me get things done. 


Sometimes life throws curve balls. Even when that curve ball’s end result is positive there can be bumps in the road. It’s ok to be not ok. When we start to feel overwhelmed, it’s really important to check in with ourselves, acknowledge and accept how we feel, and show ourselves some self-compassion. Looking at what has changed in our lives, why things might feel like this, what might be missing or off balance is important. Then we can decide if we need professional guidance to get back to feeling on track, or just make small tweaks in our day until life settles.  

And it is great to listen to that favourite track on repeat, and dance like no one is watching, and sing like no one is listening!  


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